Lawn Care Tips for Your Custom Home This Fall

Lawn Care Tips for Your Custom Home This Fall

Part of this process involves making sure that your lawn is well taken care of; proper lawn care is essential. Here is a guide at what you can do next.

Now that fall is here, you will want to do everything you can to keep your home looking beautiful. Part of this process involves making sure that your lawn is well taken care of; proper lawn care is essential. Here is a guide at what you can do next.

Tips for Mowing

Mowing your lawn one last time before the cold season sets in is essential. It’s so vital that you can’t overlook it. Get your mower blades resharpened because dull blades tear instead of cut. Also, it’s important to note that the lawn can’t be cut too short. If the grass is cut too short, it will not grow properly, which is why you must mow the lawn once a week instead of once every few months. Make sure that you mow the lawn while the grass is still dry. This will help ensure your grass stays healthy, and it won’t ruin your clothes, either. 

Tips for Fertilizing

While sunlight and water can help your lawn thrive, you also need to keep it fertilized. One lawn care task that must be completed is the testing of the soil. This entails checking the pH of the earth and adding acid treatments or lime treatments to balance it out. Fertilizing the grass also requires caution. This should only be done twice a year, depending on what type of grass you have. For this time of year, it’s time to fertilize warm-season grasses.

Tips for Watering

Water gives life. People, trees, and grasses all need it. Watering the lawn once or twice a week is sufficient – more than that, and you might oversaturate your lawn. Get the moisture down into the roots. If the water level is too shallow, then the plants won’t be able to thrive properly. Finally, take the time to water your lawn early in the morning.  

Tips for Aerating

Aerating your lawn is also necessary. This part of the lawn care process helps move moisture, nutrients, and oxygen deeper into the soil. Start by inspecting your yard for signs of thatching or hardened soil. The fall is one of the best times to aerate your lawn, but you must do it when the soil is moist or else it won’t work. Also, only aerate the lawn twice a year. Overdoing it can damage your home’s overall landscape.

Questions? Call Cedar Square Homes Today!

Whether you are ready to start the custom building home process, or you still have more questions, the trained professionals at Cedar Square Homes are here to help you out. We are beloved throughout Maryland and beyond for our attentive service and affordable home remodeling and building prices. We proudly service Anne Arundel County. Visit us online or give us a call at 410-987-9771. To see more examples of our work and for helpful tips and tricks, be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

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