Repair or Replace Your Home’s Damaged Roof?

If you’ve simply lost a couple of singles due to wind damage or a fallen limb, a patch job can be relatively easy and inexpensive.

The key to minimizing costs regarding your home improvements is making the right decision at the right time. That means making the tough decision to either repair or replace your leaking roof. Here are some things to think about while you make your decision.

Is it Worth It to Patch it?

Is the leak small enough that you could patch it? Or are there multiple leaks that could be better served with a full replacement? If you’ve simply lost a couple of singles due to wind damage or a fallen limb, a patch job can be relatively easy and inexpensive. A contractor can simply remove the torn or damaged shingles, and new ones can be slipped into place.

However, if the damage is more significant, you may need to look into replacing your roof. If the damage is confined to one area of the roof, you can look into partial reroofing. You’ll save money compared to a full reroofing, and the difference between the new roof and the old will be less noticeable than a shingles patch job.

Is it Worth it to Repair it?

If the damage is spread out over several areas of your roof, or the whole roof is simply showing its age, you may want to consider replacing your whole roof. If the contractors are going to be on-site already to repair a small portion of your roof, why not ask for a quote to replace the whole roof? It may even save you money in the long run – you won’t have to call the contractors back several years down the line to replace the other half of your roof.

A new roof is a big expense but should last you for decades. Do it right and you’ll have one less thing to worry about when storm winds blow. In the long term, you’ll also end up with more money in your pocket.

Call Cedar Square Homes!

Call Cedar Square Homes when you’re ready to get the most out of your new home. We’re one of Maryland’s most trusted contracting companies and we can remodel your home at an affordable price. You will have direct access to your project manager throughout the entire process. Calls are answered promptly and messages are returned within 24 hours.

Start building with the professionals at Cedar Square Homes now! Contact us today at 410-987-9771.

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